Jashan's Answer:

Ah yes, those annoying Twitter spammers. Twammers? Tweepams? Twidiots? Whatever you call them, it's a fact of life that if there's a communications tool on the Internet, there are spammers ready to leap in and exploit it. Violation of social norms? Inappropriate use of the app? Clearly these folk don't care.

So it's up to us to police the Twitterspace, as far as I can tell, and so when I get responses that are from 'bots that are clearly just responding to a word or phrase I've used, rather than responding based on the actual message, query or comment I've made, I always report them back to Twitter HQ as spammers.

In the third party Twitter apps, it's often quite simple, but reporting a Twitter user as a spammer within the site's Web page at is a bit more tricky, but it's doable.
Fortunately, I got a spammy @reply tweet a few days ago, so I'll use that as an example of how to report twitter spammers within the site.
Here's the tweet in question:

twitter report tweetspam 1
The next step involves learning more about this particular Twitter users. That's done, logically, by clicking on their account name:
twitter report tweetspam 2
When you click on it...
twitter report tweetspam 3

As is common for spammers, the statistics are weirdly skewed. Who sends out almost 188,000 tweets but only has 1700 followers? A 'bot, that's who. And I don't really see that they're adding value to the twitterverse...
To report them as a spammer, click on the small "gear" icon:
twitter report tweetspam 4

A menu pops down and the last of the options is what we seek: "Report siteguruji for spam". Select that and not only will they be reported, but they'll automatically be blocked from your timeline and their previous @replies will vanish.
What happens back at twitter HQ? According to them "Twitter's Trust and Safety Team will review the account" after it's been reported.